MK31 (BSMX0135, blocSonic.com)
- Release date: July 14th, 2016
- Official release page: blocsonic.com/releases/bsmx0135
Released at blocSonic for the second annual Netlabel Day, this EP was an exploration in sampling public domain films as a way for inspiring creativity. The film I sampled did the trick and I ended up with these tasty electronic cuts for you to enjoy.
Musicians… creators… also check out the companion samplePack that’s available.
- 1 MK31
- 2 Destroy
- 3 Dark, Cold & Inhospitable
- 4 Bonus Destruction
- 5 Dark, Cold & Inhospitable (Forever)
- Lossless 24-Bit FLAC
- Lossless FLAC
- 320kbs MP3
- 192kbs MP3
- OGG Vorbis
- High resolution art (PDF format)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.